Shoulder Conditions

Biceps Tendon Rupture



What causes a biceps rupture?

A biceps tendon tear, or rupture, occurs when the long head of the biceps partially tears or ruptures from its attachment to the top of the socket. Tears can happen if you fall and try to catch yourself, you try to lift something too heavy or simply from overuse. Tendons are strong bands of tissue that connect muscles to bone. Because the biceps is attached with two separate tendons, you may find that, despite this injury, you can still use your biceps muscle even if one tendon is completely torn. 

What does a ruptured bicep feel like?

A biceps tendon tear can cause a sudden, sharp pain in your upper arm. If the tendon tears completely, you may hear it pop when it happens. Indications may be: 

  • your arm and shoulder may feel weak and tender
  • your muscle may cramp and bulge
  • your arm may bruise
  • You may have trouble turning your palm face up or face down

How to treat a bicep rupture?

Treatment options may include rest, ice, medications and therapy, or you may need to have surgery to repair the tendon. Your healthcare provider can create a plan that is right for you.

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The animation content provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any specific questions you may have regarding a medical condition or procedure.