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Knee replacement gets 72-year-old back to ski patrol

Rod. Weinberg's knee replacement success story with OrthoConnecticut
The condition: Rod Weinberg is one of those exemplary athletes you read about: a state champion in speed skating, a contender to play major league baseball, on ski patrol for more than 40 years, and a long-distance cyclist. But all this activity had caught up with Rod, who at age 72 was looking at knee replacement surgery. The problem: No doctor would do the surgery and let Rod resume the skiing that he loved. Rod says, “I’m an older athlete and couldn’t find anyone to touch my knee. My life is built around speed and I didn’t want to stop doing what I enjoy. Finally, I met Dr. Viola and knew I had met my match.” The treatment: Dr. Anthony Viola found that Rod’s cartilage had been worn away and he was skiing and cycling “bone on bone.” But he also found something else that was crucially important: because Rod had been active all his life, his bones were in great shape. According to Dr. Viola, “Rod’s knee joint may not have been good, but he had the bones of a 40-year-old. This made him a prime candidate for a noncemented total knee replacement.” The noncemented knee replacement, which allows the bone to grow and heal over the implant, would give Rod the flexibility and durability that he wanted. Dr. Viola agreed to do the surgery but only if Rod would stay away cycling and all other sports for 3 months. After that he could slowly build up to his goal, which included cycling long distances and some stretches where he would pedal 25 miles an hour. It also required deep dedication to physical therapy. The result: Rod’s patience and commitment paid off. Five months after surgery Rod went on his first open-road bike ride with Dr. Viola right beside him. Today Rod is doing what he loves and his range of motion is the same as that of a regular knee. “I don’t even think of my knee. I do everything with it. What Dr. Viola did was superb. He understood my passion about participating in sports. Dr. Viola is compassionate, and his caring manner is phenomenal.” If you see an older gentleman swooshing to your aid on the ski slopes, it just may be Rod.

Call OrthoConnecticut today at 1.833.678.4628 to learn more or to schedule an appointment.